Principal Social Worker

I have worked with children and families in statutory and voluntary agencies for over 30 years, with a primary focus on adoption, fostering and kinship care. I was awarded a master’s Degree in Social work from Warwick University, in 2010, returning to the local authority, where I gained a great deal of experience in my field, including court work, child protection work and life story work, along with training adopters and foster carers.

I have sat on adoption and fostering panels, and worked as a senior practitioner before deciding to work independently. I began working for Adopters For Adoption in 2018 as an independent social worker, and have enjoyed my time so much, I decided to make it a permanent arrangement in 2022!

I live in Shropshire and have two adult children. When not at work, or in my sewing room, I can be found exploring the countryside in our newly restored motorhome, or renovating our very old house along with my husband Pete and our manic Border Collie Taz.

I very much enjoy my work and being part of this amazing AfA family.!
