Adoption Support Therapist I have been a qualified children’s social worker for 25years, in local authority teams, safeguarding and disabilities services, and independent fostering agencies. I began working for AFA Lynn Findlay

Principal Social Worker I am currently working as a PSW for Adopters for Adoption within the assessment team. Prior to this I worked for a number of years for the Louise Abbott

Marketing Officer I joined the Adopters for Adoption team in 2023 to work on the planning and implementation of marketing. I support the digital marketing strategy through social media posts Christy Metler

Business Support Officer I joined the Adopters for Adoption team in February 2018. My primary role is to undertake the reference checks for prospective adopters that are in the assessment Lianne Butterworth

Business Support Officer I am a Business Support Officer for Adopters for Adoption and I have over 10 years of experience within the Children’s Services Sector. I provide solid business Katie Sprague

Principal Social Worker I joined Adopters for Adoption in 2018. I completed my MA in social work in 2005 and have since worked in both Local Authority and voluntary settings. Jane Lees

Principal Social Worker I have worked with children and families in statutory and voluntary agencies for over 30 years, with a primary focus on adoption, fostering and kinship care. I Karen Underwood

Adoption Placements Manager I have worked in the health, social care and private sector for almost 30 years. My responsibilities have ranged from managing a telesales division, field sales, account April Simpson

Panel Advisor & Senior Business Support Officer I began working for Core Assets Children’s Services in April 2017 as an Independent Support Administrator, moving on to Senior Administrator Assistant, overseeing Angela Timmins

Team Manager – North I have been a qualified social worker since 1991 and have worked with children and families in the safeguarding arena and as a therapeutic social worker. Penny Rowntree

Team Manager – Central I joined Adopters for Adoption as an employee in October 2021 but have been part of AFA since 2014 as an Independent Social Worker. I have Mahongo Shibemba

Team Manager – South I have been a registered social worker for 23 years. My background is in management, specialising in mother and baby, child protection and court work. I Mairead O’Sullivan