60% extra funds enjoyed by England’s free school pupils

The Guardian reported yesterday that England’s free schools* received 60% more funding per pupil than local authority primaries and secondaries in the latest financial year, new analysis by Education Guardian 60% extra funds enjoyed by England’s free school pupils

The business owner with Down’s Syndrome

The BBC recently reported recently about the successful story of Laura Green  who refused to let Downs Syndrome stop her from   becoming a successful business woman. Read more about this inspirational The business owner with Down’s Syndrome

Recruitment event in Worcester

Would you like to find out more about adoption? Then come along and meet us for an informal chat. We are in Worcester High Street, outside the Guild Hall,  on Thursday 20th Recruitment event in Worcester

New adoption maps show the number of children waiting to be adopted across all regions

First4Adoption, on behalf of the Department for Education has published new Adoption Maps revealing how many children were waiting to be adopted in each of the country’s 152 Local Authority New adoption maps show the number of children waiting to be adopted across all regions

Government commits £4.5m to help set up of regional adoption agencies

Children’s minister Edward Timpson has said the controversial plans will help to speed up the adoption process Councils creating regional adoption agencies will be boosted by £4.5m extra funding, the Department for Government commits £4.5m to help set up of regional adoption agencies

£30m for quicker adoptions

The Government has pledged £30m to speed up finding adoptive parents for children in care in England. The money will be provided this year to local authorities to cover costs £30m for quicker adoptions

Children and Families Minister, Edward Timpson interview with first 4 adoption.

Children and Families Minister, Edward Timpson joined F4A for a special webcast last Friday and talked about his personal experience of adoption, the government’s adoption reforms and the new Adoption Children and Families Minister, Edward Timpson interview with first 4 adoption.

Nicky Campbell awarded OBE

Adopters for Adoption would like to offer their congratulations to  Nicky Campbell on his OBE The Express and Star today reports today about Broadcaster Nicky Campbell who has said he is “supremely Nicky Campbell awarded OBE

First 4 Adoption ‘Meet the Minister’ webcast

First 4 Adoption have announced that Children’s Minister, Edward Timpson will be joining them for a special webcast next Wednesday 17th June at 6pm. He’ll be talking about his personal First 4 Adoption ‘Meet the Minister’ webcast

Local Authorities to combine adoption services to help speed up the family-finding process

Children awaiting adoption could soon benefit from being placed with a family far quicker under a new approach that will open up a greater number of potential adopters for every Local Authorities to combine adoption services to help speed up the family-finding process

Edward Timpson reappointed as children’s minister

CYPN report that Edward Timpson has been appointed as minister of state for children and families at the Department for Education in the new majority Conservative government. Timpson, who was Edward Timpson reappointed as children’s minister

Adoption Support Fund (ASF) available from 1 May 2015

The Adoption Support Fund (ASF), available nationally from 1 May 2015 has been established to provide a range of new services to help parents obtain therapeutic services for their adopted Adoption Support Fund (ASF) available from 1 May 2015