Wednesday 7th April 2021 7.15pm – 9pm

Online Adoption Information Event

Our first online adoption information event is here! It will be a great way for you to learn more about the adoption process and how you’d be supported, both before and after the adoption order. Featuring approved adopters from Adopters for Adoption, with their story of their adoption process.

The information event will begin with a live presentation from one of our Team Managers, Jane Lees, where she will cover all of the need-to-know topics of adoption. Following the event, she will then meet with individual attendees via private phone or video calls, if you opt to do so. This provides a secure and confidential place to raise any questions you may have and discuss your next steps in more detail.

Get in touch today to book your place. Email or call us on 0800 5877 791. We’ll reply with all the details you’ll need to attend the online event. In the meantime, please do download and read our Information Pack, which can be found here.

Whether you’d like an overview of how adoption works, have specific questions, or you feel you’re ready to start the adoption process, we look forward to welcoming you.

A child in teal holding up yellow paper

We welcome attendees from all prospective adopters, including those who already have children, but please be aware some aspects covered in our presentation are not suitable for younger children.