As we approach Christmas and look forward to spending time with our loved ones and friends, it’s a great time to reflect on the year we have had.
2019 has been a memorable year for Adopters for Adoption and we’ve had 5 big highlights in the year.
Adopters for Adoption’s 5th Birthday

Adopters for Adoption started in 2014 to improve the way adopters are recruited, prepared, assessed and supported to reduce delay for children waiting for an adoptive family. Over our 5 year history we have built a reputation for preparing adoptive families well and providing exceptional support whilst completing assessments in good time. Click here to find out more about the assessment process.
100th Child Placed
It’s great to know whilst celebrating our first 5 years that we are also able to celebrate 100 children having their very own forever families. In our office we have our very own family tree, showing our families and their children – we are delighted to see our tree grow year on year and we are really looking forward to seeing it grow as we move towards are next big milestone birthday.
More Adopter Enquiries
In 2019 we have received more enquiries than any previous year in our 5 year history and 39% more than in 2018. This is wonderful news for children waiting for a family. But the need for more adoptive parents hasn’t gone away, find out more about children who wait longer for a family home.
Sibling Success
Siblings often wait longer for an adoptive placement, as it is always more challenging to match more than one child with a family. We are delighted that during 2019, we have had great success in keeping brothers and sisters together. 50% of all the children we have placed this year have been siblings.
Safer, Strong Families Launch
Back in September we launched our Safer, Stronger Families programme, which enables us to provide vital adoption support to families more widely. This programme is an evidence bases programme that is tailored to suit the needs of each individual family and has showed improvements for the families that have already taken part in the programme.