The Unlikely Dad - Father's Day

Written in 2019 by Tom Cox – The Unlikely Dad What does being a gay dad mean?  How about a gay, adoptive dad? My husband and I started our journey to The Unlikely Dad

Not all pets are created equal. All pets can help children to learn responsibility, empathy and kindness, which all help to create a happier individual – but when it comes to happiness, How pets can help adopted children to feel happy.

We all know that stroking a pet feels nice, but did you know that it’s scientifically proven to feel good? Studies have shown that when we stroke or cuddle a How pets can reduce stress for adopted children.

We like to think that being caring and kind comes naturally to us, but in reality it’s a skill we learn particularly as children. It’s natural to put ourselves first How pet’s can teach adopted children to care.

Our pet’s are very good at understanding our emotional state. Dog’s for example can understand how we are feeling from our tone of voice and body language. Dogs and cats How pet’s can increase an adopted child’s emotional health

Growing up with dogs has been shown to have many health benefits for children with ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and ADD Attention deficit disorder. Here are some of the benefits which How dogs can help children with ADHD

Growing up with dogs has been shown to have many health benefits for children with Autism, here are some of the benefits which have been reported: • Dog provides a sense How dogs can help children with Autism

Growing up with dogs has been shown to help humans to bust those bugs leading to many health benefits for children and adults alike: Healthy immune system Pediatric studies have shown Dogs help to bust those bugs for children

Exercise benefits of dogs for children.

We know that children need exercise to keep fit and healthy and so do our four legged friends. We also know the technology promotes inactivity for children as they spend time playing Exercise benefits of dogs for children.

Having been blessed with wonderful grandparents myself I always believed that they can play an incredibly valuable role in the lives of children. Subsequently my children have benefitted from having The Importance of the Grandparent’s Role

Review of 2019

As we approach Christmas and look forward to spending time with our loved ones and friends, it’s a great time to reflect on the year we have had. 2019 has Review of 2019

International Day of Persons with a Disability

The aim of the day is to reaffirm our commitment to work together for a better world that is inclusive, equitable and sustainable for everyone, where the rights of people International Day of Persons with a Disability