National Adoption Week 2016 is taking place from the 17th to 23rd October and the theme is embodied by the hashtag #SupportAdoption. As in previous years, the need to find families for some of our most vulnerable children remains at the heart of this year’s event.

It will also aim to encompass all aspects of adoption, demystify and clarify the adoption process and reflect the challenges of adoptive parenting.

Adopting a child is a life-changing experience. It’s one of the most important decisions a family can make so Adopters for Adoption are joining forces with First4Adoption (the national information service for Adoption), CoramBaaf, local authorities and other adoption agencies and charities in raising awareness of adoption to encourage more families to come forward.

There will be a series of national news and PR events throughout the week in conjunction with lots of digital and social media advertising to maximise the impact right across the country so please support us in our endeavour to make a difference as every child deserves a forever family.