Support Networks When Adopting

You cannot pour from an empty cup! How we react to stress… When we are faced with a threat, we become stressed and our body experiences a surge of adrenaline, which is Looking After Yourself in Times of Uncertainty

A book review by Kirsty Cooke Adopty Mum is written by Elena Holmes. It is an honest and at times humorous account of dealing with infertility and moving on to adoption. The book Kirsty’s book corner – AdoptyMum by Elena Holmes

It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the death of George Floyd, a Black American man who was killed through the actions of a white police officer in Minneapolis on May Helping children understand and respond to racism

By Katie Sprague With all the guidance an advice circulating regarding homeschooling, I thought it would be a good idea to review a website that myself and my 4 year old son Website Review – Teach Your Monsters to Read

So, now the government has said that schools will not reopen fully until September in the attempt to ensure Covid-19 doesn’t face a second wave of large scale infections.  This prolonged period How to help children through isolation and lock down.

Encourage creativity

How to manage your child’s anxieties. In the weeks ahead, parents will begin returning to work as lockdown restrictions easing of Coronavirus restrictions may create, or heighten, anxieties and fears. From an emotional Returning to work after lockdown

The mental and physical benefits of mindfulness are widely recognised, not just for adults but for children too. The word “mindfulness” can be scary, and you might be thinking “my children will never do that.” Mindfulness Activities for Children

School holidays with your child

There are a number of reasons as to why a child may struggle with sleep especially during current times where routines have all changed. These can include things such as an inability to self-settle, Maintaining a child’s good sleep routine during lockdown

Adopting A Child With Autism

Support and strategies for children with Learning Disabilities /ASD/ Attachment difficulties to help them cope with COVID-19 Isolation. It has been an extremely difficult time for children and families over the last few months, with How to help children with learning disabilities cope with isolation during Covid-19

What is Blocked Care? Blocked care can happen when parents experience prolonged stress, which suppresses their capacity to sustain loving and empathic feelings towards their child. Blocked care can develop when parenting a Blocked Trust / Blocked Care

A true life story, shared by AFA adoptive parent, Emily. Booking a first aid course is, in my experience, something you put on your ‘To Do’ list but don’t generally get around The Importance of Paediatric First Aid

With the outbreak of COVID-19 we are all living in unprecedented times and are working hard to keep the wheels turning to enable us to continue through with the adoption process as best we can. One of Virtual Home Visits During COVID-19