10 Years of AfA It feels like just yesterday when we embarked on this journey, armed with dedication and a shared vision to put adopters and children at the very Adopters for Adoption: 2024 is our 10th birthday year!

Adopted child with dog

Pets are lovable, cute and entertaining, but the benefits of having pets go much further. They can positively impact your child’s immune system, promote emotional well-being and be therapy for How Pets Transform the Lives of Adopted Children

For adoptive families, Mothering Sunday carries a special significance, often intertwined with unique emotions and experiences. Finding the Right Note: Mother’s Day isn’t just about the flowers and cards; it’s Mother’s Day Traditions for Adoptive Families

Girl with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Studies suggest that a quarter of care-experienced children may have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), but the condition is still widely misunderstood and often misdiagnosed. So, what is FASD, what Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): What Adoptive Parents Should Know

Same sex female adopters reading s book with their two adopted children

In England, there are currently over 1000 children who are waiting to be adopted at any time. This number highlights how crucial it is for parents nationwide to become adopters. A Guide to Adoption When You Already Have Children

Emotional Rollercoaster of Adoption

Tom and Sophie, who adopted their son through AFA, share the highs, lows, and unforgettable moments of their adoption journey as a family.

Planning for Christmas can be a wonderful time for the family to reflect and focus on what’s most important. When you’ve recently adopted a child, Christmas can be a very special time Planning for Christmas with an adopted child.

Support Adopted Children in Communicating

Adopting a child means not only will you be sharing your love and home with a child in need, but you’ll be giving them a fresh new start and an How to Support Adopted Children in Communicating Their Feelings

16-22 October is National Adoption Week 2023 This year National Adoption Week promotes discussion around how adoption has evolved to put children’s identity at its heart. The organisers of National National Adoption Week 2023

“Celebrating our Sisters, Saluting our Sisters, and Honouring Matriarchs of Movements”. October is Black History Month and in keeping with the 2023 theme of “Celebrating our Sisters, Saluting our Sisters, Black History Month

National Adoption Week 2022

Today is the start of National Adoption Week 2022, which focuses on the theme of identity and relationships. The organisers of National Adoption Week, You Can Adopt, have put together National Adoption Week 2022

“Having the same blood didn’t matter, we just wanted to be a family.” Wed 8th Jun 2022 – 3 min read Frances, an adoptive mother for Adopters for Adoption began Adoption Story: Frances and Carl – Adopting Siblings