By Katie Sprague

With all the guidance an advice circulating regarding homeschooling, I thought it would be a good idea to review a website that myself and my 4 year old son have tried. Luckily I was sent a wonderful list of resources and I am trying to fit in as much as possible whilst working from home.

I must say that so far they have been a wonderful experience and I have been enjoying spending time with my little one and watching him learn at the same time.

Teach Your Monsters to read started off with having to design our own monster, which was lovely, we had to choose eyes, ears, horns, body etc and then name him. We then sent our monster on a journey which tought him different sounds of letter and words. For example ‘Sh, as in fish’.

It is interactive and so much fun, also a little relief from the daily work for me too! He meets lots of friends on the way and collects stars that will enable your monster to wear all kinds of accessories.

Try it out for yourself: